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ConvergenceLA Metropolis

ConvergenceLA l Metropolis

We have all become somewhat accustomed to what Dave Colangelo calls MASSIVE MEDIA. Architectural scale screens turn buildings into interactive canvases, the rhythms of our daily lives are captured and transformed into multimedia displays for a mass audience fascinated with self and a new kind of public theater. Public and private merge as our incidental choices and social interactions are parsed and collated to become part of a pervasive dialogue that has slowly begun to infiltrate the public consciousness, giving expression to a new form of human engagement.

convergenceLA _ New media installation to be completed January 2017

ConvergenceLA l Metropolis

At its most compelling, Massive Media can be an expression of a hybrid space that captures the synergy between our physical and virtual environments. Most of us spend a good portion of our day in the virtual world. This sensibility has seeped into our traditional notions of public space, and out of that has come a new construct that is experience and content-driven.

Media artists and architects have just begun to scratch the surface of a new paradigm based on a responsive model that will alter preconceived notions of the built environment and forever change the static and hierarchical structure that has historically defined public space.

Massive Media has the potential to give expression to a new form of social engagement. A hybrid space derived from a fusion of the virtual and the physical raises the possibility for an expanded interpretation of identity – one that has the potential to overcome socioeconomic and geopolitical bias. As technology becomes increasingly integrated into our public spaces, and accepted, I imagine an environment where individual thoughts are given form and the means to respond and evolve within a stream of thoughts. And as society morphs and merges, it creates an ongoing dance fueled by itself and expressed within a responsive fluid environment.

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